Thursday, August 16, 2012

olympus om40 f2.8 24mm H.zuiko auto-w camera with lens cap (8.5/10 condtion)rm700

olympus om30 body with body cap (8/10 condtion)sold

rolleicord V f3.5 75mm xenar-scheider 120 format camera with lens cap,strap (condtion 7/10)rm890

sampe photo by rolleicord:

OLYMPUS mju stylus epic zoom80 38-80mm RF camera(workingcondtion)with remote control RC-200,strap,battery sold

contax RTS II Quartz f1.7 50mm yashica ml lens camera with W-3 motor winder,electronic shutter release,eyecup (7.9/10 condtion)rm750

minolta MAXXUM 400si f3.5-4.5 35-70mm af lens camera with cap, strap,battery (condtion8.5/10)rm200

nikon f70 f3.4-4.5 35mm-80D AF lens camera with strap(7/10 condtion)sold

polaroid spectra system instant camera body (tested on empty film back)rm130

polaroid 600 cam model600 (holder borken)instant camera(tested on empty film back)sold

ricoh R1 f3.5 30mm macro panorama compact film camera with
strap and battery(LCD dulite)(7.5/10 condtion)sold